Rest periods are essential. But vacations also allow you to read, write, and revise at your own pace and in complete freedom.
Reading for pleasure
Throughout the year, teachers ask for compulsory reading, often classics related to the literature program. A real constraint for some students. The holidays can be an opportunity to approach reading differently by letting your child choose the books that appeal to them (detective novels, science fiction, fantasy, comics, documentaries, etc.). Invite them to go to a bookstore or media library where they can get advice. You can also visit the website dedicated to children’s literature, which offers a selection of titles classified by theme, each time with a recommended age. The National Education system, for its part, has published a list of reference books for each cycle.
Writing for yourself
Writing in class can be a stressful time for students. They have to write in a limited time, knowing that they will be graded at the end. On vacation, you can start writing in a completely different frame of mind, just for fun. For example, your child can imagine a realistic or fantastical story based on a family event, a photo, a mural in the street, etc. They can also tell the story of a book, a film, an episode of a series, keep a travel diary, start a personal journal, etc. Even if they make mistakes, the more they practice, the more efficient they will become.
Filling in spelling gaps
If, during the year, your child feels that his bad spelling is ruining his homework a little and he wants to get better, there are solutions. For example, you can register him on the Projet Voltaire website, which offers personalized refresher training for 34.90 euros per year. By devoting less than an hour to it twice a week, he has a chance of making progress. The orthodidacte fers online dictations that are then corrected. The offers dictations classified by theme.
Improve your modern languages
.Going back to your notebooks to review the vocabulary and phrases studied during the year is a good idea to avoid losing what you have learned. But the holidays can also be an opportunity to listen to the language to refine your listening comprehension. For English, your child can go to the BBC Learning English website, among others. As for the website of the Versailles Academy, it provides recordings classified by level, in thirteen different languages including English, German, Spanish, and Italian. There are still applications to use on a mobile such as Duolingo, Babbel, or Nemo, which are also a good tool to review some basics without really feeling like you are working. Films and series in the original version are also a good way to learn vocabulary and especially to train your ear.
Review with quizzes
Since the textbooks were, in principle, returned at the end of the school year, students only have their notebooks or binders during the holidays. Hence the importance of online resources. On th, your child will find quizzes to assess their level, particularly in maths and French. This will allow them to understand which elements of the program they have not mastered, with the possibility of accessing online courses to download if necessary. Another possibility: is the Nomad Education application, available on smartphones, offering quizzes, mini-courses, revision sheets, and podcasts. As for maths, the is a goldmine for finding courses and exercises classified by theme and level, as well as games and puzzles.