5 tips to read more books

Many people would like to read regularly but say they don’t have the time to do so. However, even with a busy schedule, it is possible to read books. WBooks are a source of intellectual enrichment, whether for preparatory classes or everyday life, Reading is nourishing your mind. So here are 5 tips for reading more books,

Make a reading list

Making a list of books you want to read will help you see things more clearly. The goal of this list is to include books you would like to read for pleasure and those your teachers have recommended. In addition, the list will give you a direction in your reading, which will prevent you from getting lost along the way by reading uninteresting books found by chance. The idea is to vary the type of reading classics, science fiction books, biographies, books on the theme of CG, etc.

There is no ideal size for a reading list. As long as you like it and it is varied, you’re good to go!

Always have a book with you

During the day, there are lots of little moments where we waste our time (public transport, queues, gaps in a schedule). So, rather than mechanically taking out your smartphone, taking a book from your bag will be very useful to fill these moments. Sure, it may only represent 20 minutes at the end of the day. But on a weekly scale, that’s still more than 2 hours saved!

Reading on public transport

You likely take public transport every morning and every evening to get to your place of study. This time spent on the bus or the metro is often wasted time. So why not use it to advance in your reading? This way, you will progress in your book without taking time out of your day.

Organize a reading session.

To make reading a habit, it is important to set aside time for this activity. For example, setting aside 1 hour of reading every Sunday morning is a good idea to read more books. For the most motivated, this reading time can also be daily.

Setting aside time for reading is the key to making this activity a habit. In addition, reading improves concentration, a very important skill for competitive exams.

Talking about books with friends

Discussing books you’ve read with your friends is a great way to motivate yourself to read more books! You’ll be proud to talk about a book you’ve just finished that others don’t know. And then, even if they do, you can share your views on the book. By talking with your friends, you’ll probably discover new books and introduce them to others  The best way to build a lid general knowledge!

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